A Christmas Peril 2022
on January 3, 2023
Act 4:
Springfield has finally ground completely to a halt as the blizzard continues to rage on, with everyone trapped inside their homes. Even Santa Claus is forced to cancel present delivery, which immediately sparks rioting from the residents of Springfield. The Simpsons aren't immune to this either, trapped inside with only each other for company, and tensions are starting to fray when they suddenly hear footsteps on the roof. Confused, they try to guess what is going on when Mr. McGrew comes tumbling out of their chimney, having fallen in there accidentally as he was bumbling around on top of the deepening snow. He declares that the Spirits of Christmas have shown him how to spread goodwill and cheer and presents each of the family members with a present before Marge asks Lisa to help him out the attic window before he's trapped in with them. As she's helping him out the window, he comes clean about his plans—he bought up the businesses to ensure that they'd survive the loss of business from the storm and is planning to give them all back to their original owners once the storm has passed. Lisa is stunned by this, since this seems like a good ending, but he insists that he did learn his lesson all those years ago and is just trying to keep that spirit alive. He then crawls off into the evening to continue giving presents to the residents of Springfield, as the snowstorm finally starts to break.
Act 4 Start & End Time: 2023-01-03 14:01 UTC to the end of the event: 2023-01-11 14:00 UTC
Trigger Character(s) - Character(s) who start the event:
• Characters who are used to earn event currencies in Act 4:
o Homer
o Lisa
o Bart
o Marge
o Moe
o Ned
o Milhouse
o Wiggum
o Mr. McGrew
o Tiny Tim
o The Ghost of Christmas Past
o Mr. Costington
o Mr. Plow (Skin for Homer)
o Plow King (Skin for Barney)
o Ebenezer Burns (Skin for Mr. Burns)
o Charlie
o The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
o The Ghost of Christmas Present
o Old Man Winter
Prize Track Items:
• Acorn-Obsessed Squirrel (Pet)
• Christmas Court House (Façade for the Springfield Court House)
• A Christmas Peril Mystery Box Token
• Springfield Public Schools Snowmobile (Decoration)
• Snow Day Lisa (Skin for Lisa)
• Springfield Domestic Orphanage + Charlie (Building & Character)
o Date Available: 01/03 – 01/11
o Cost: 150 Donuts
o Notes: Earns event currency for Act 4
Dimension: 801 x 540
File Size: 76.92 Kb
8 people like this.
Probably a dumb question: If you have nothing in the Mystery Box, can the token for it be exchanged for doughnuts?
Those tokens seem to be broke as There is no option to exchange
For some reason they've forgotten to add the trade. It's been reported and I'm hopeful you'll get the chance once the event ends. Doubt they'll patch it now though, sorry. Hope that Gold Token trade vanishes with the next update too, and a couple of other fixes that might or might not apply for thos...View More
^^The option isn't showing up for a lot of people. I don't know if it's been fixed.
Thanks, Brooders.
Thanks Broodykins :heart:
Thanks Brooders you always know what we need. #wherethefarkisbrooders